4 November at 07.00pmPlace: Jan Kochanowski University Library in Kielce, ul. Świętokrzyska 21 e, KielcePlease confirm your attendance at the event, due to the limited number of places tel. 41 344 90 54We invite you to attend a fashion show of designers who won the OFF FASHION competition.
The winner of the first edition of Project Runway programme broadcasted in the Polish TVN station. A fashion designer using the pseudonym Jacob Birge, and the founder of Jacob Birge Vision brand which in 2013 was nominated for two international awards: WGSN Global Fashion Awards (WGSN is the most prestigious fashion platform in the world) and Scottish Fashion Awards. He began his adventure from the participation in the Off Fashion Kielce competition where he won the third and first place and was granted free admission to Danish design school – TEKO. After completing education in Denmark, he moved to Edinburgh where he studied on Edinburgh College of Art. After graduating from it he was given a grant for creating his own brand – JACOB BIRGE VISION. His brand is noted for an ultra-modern approach to fashion reflecting the contemporary woman and her needs. The collections of the brand were shown twice during the London Fashion Week in the form of presentations, where they gained recognition of stylists and the press. The designs were published in Vogue China, Elle, Glamour Germany, Harper’s Bazaar, Trendland, Wonderland, Idol, Fabolous and many other magazines.2015-2016 Autumn – Winter collectionThe collection was inspired by woman – determined, sexy, emancipated and confident. The power of asymmetry in clothing combines elegance with fierceness. The perspective allows to notice various inspirations in the elements of the collection. What may seem like dynamics from one perspective, from the other may appear like stylish femininity. Fierceness of the style is emphasised by animal prints, patent leather and metal accessories. Black, grey and claret combined with imprints and the type of material enhance the effect. Innovative techniques, such as weaves of lines, metal appliqué designs and strings of beads, show the unique nature of the design.Models: Maja Bezpalko, Olga Radwan / Mango ModelsPhotographs: Paweł Wyląg PhotographyMake-up: Marta Gąska Make up / Ewelina SztammHair: DAWID KRYNICKIAssistant: Dastin PorazińskiShoes: MYSSpecial thanks to Spektrum Tower
University Library at UJK (University of Jan Kochanowski) is a place in which, on one hand, the cultural heritage of the past is stored and shared, on the other hand, it is a space that co-creates the contemporary culture. The library is the center of education, information and culture, where attention to Polish and European cultural heritage is combined to the most modern forms of the knowledge and information transfer.The library offers:comfortable conditions for non-physical work and a friendly atmosphere in a modern, functional building;wide access to over 500 thousand books and magazines in print, including: free access to more than 45 thousand books; free access to approx. 1 700 scientific and popular science Polish and foreign journals;351 places to work for the readers (including 318 in the main building);facilities in renting (option on self-renting) and return of books (24-hour return service);access to microfilms and multimedia;access to the world’s information resources;access to electronic data, computer databases, electronic journals; wired and wireless internet access on each of the computers available to the reader;high-end hardware that facilitates the acquisition, storage and retrieval of information (including for people with disabilities);friendly, professional service offered by qualified personnel providing both practical and professional information.The number of places is limited.