4 November at 07.00pmPlace: Jan Kochanowski University Library in Kielce, ul. Świętokrzyska 21 e, KielcePlease confirm your attendance at the event, due to the limited number of places tel. 41 344 90 54Decolove Atelier has been established out of great love to hand-made decorations and elaborate details. Unique, tailored to individual needs and taste, accessories for men and women have been created in our workshop for several years.
Designs of Decolove include subdued collections for autumn and winter and a bit more spectacular and playful evening decorations. However, production of unforgettable retro wedding decorations is particularly close to our heart. All accessories are hand-made with high quality materials, with great attention to details and enthusiasm. A special place in our workshop is held by over one-hundred-years-old technique of making flowers out of silk, which are hand-cut, pressed and sewn up with traditional tools.
DECOLOVE is also frequently invited by designers to cooperation at collections, e.g. for several seasons it created romantic accessories for Bizuu duet, it is the author of the collection of suede bow ties for Łukasz Jemioł and the full range of avant-garde men’s accessories for the “The Romanov” collection of Rodrigo de la Garza. We designed an exclusive wedding collection for the LaMania White wedding dress collection.University Library at UJK (University of Jan Kochanowski) is a place in which, on one hand, the cultural heritage of the past is stored and shared, on the other hand, it is a space that co-creates the contemporary culture. The library is the center of education, information and culture, where attention to Polish and European cultural heritage is combined to the most modern forms of the knowledge and information transfer.
The library offers:comfortable conditions for non-physical work and a friendly atmosphere in a modern, functional building;wide access to over 500 thousand books and magazines in print, including: free access to more than 45 thousand books; free access to approx. 1 700 scientific and popular science Polish and foreign journals;351 places to work for the readers (including 318 in the main building);facilities in renting (option on self-renting) and return of books (24-hour return service);access to microfilms and multimedia;access to the world’s information resources;access to electronic data, computer databases, electronic journals; wired and wireless internet access on each of the computers available to the reader;high-end hardware that facilitates the acquisition, storage and retrieval of information (including for people with disabilities);friendly, professional service offered by qualified personnel providing both practical and professional information.The number of places is limited.