8 November at 05.00pmPlace: Boutique RAUT, Echo Shopping Arcade, ul. Świętokrzyska, KielcePlease confirm your attendance at the event, due to the limited number of places tel. 41 344 90 54We invite you to attend a fashion show of the Polish designers which will take place on 8 November in the Echo Shopping Arcade. The event is held under the patronage of Raut boutique, open since April 2015. Clothes offered by the shop are brands popular among the Polish stars: PAPROCKI BRZOZOWSKI premium and basic line, MMC, ŁUKASZ JEMIOŁ, 303 AVENUE, BIZUU.Additionally, the shop promotes new young brands, such as: BUNNY THE STAR, JUST PAUL, CHAOS BY MARTA BOLIGLOVA, SI-MI, as well as offers fantastic accessories of companies like: MOKOBELLE jewellery, LOFT 37 shoes, MELISSA, UNITED NUDE or MILATE handbags.The number of places is limited.