

Kieleckie Centrum Kultury plac Moniuszki 2B, 25-334 Kielce, g. 20.00  entry with invitation which you can obtain in KCK ticket box.
We will participate in a short show prepared by Bylevskay duo before the presentation of Deni Cler’s collection. The designers were honoured and obtained a special prize from Deni Cler during the previous Off Fashion edition. Deni Cler is an official Off Fashion partner and a member of the competition jury.
Description of the collection:Our collection titled NOT ME is to be like an open letter addressed to those who are lost. This is one of the current issues – real beauty is boring for numerous people (who want to regain the satisfaction of social expectations concerning beauty). People socialized to perceive themselves as objects one is to look at, consequently they perceive themselves from the perspective of others, the form of an “attractive” person decreases and becomes less forgiving in terms of any differences. “The identity of the assembly line ultimately destroys the concept of personal identity, we may actually do something unthinkable, how boring the beauty has become”. We aimed at focusing on the new trend concerning plastic surgery in our collection! We altered the primal shapes visible in classic costumes! A human being is like a suit which is created according to models (patterns), when we introduce changes, the appearance changes as well and it does not correspond to the classic-natural look, if we introduce more and more changes concerning the cut, the worse it becomes. Everyone loves changes but let’s bear in mind that nature usually knows the best. Forget about gender, appearance, weight, skin, our actions – these standards do not define you, they do not define who you are as you are aware of who you are. Free yourself from other standards, love yourself and leave your pretty face the way it is.

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