30th May, at 6 p.m.“Jewellery of the World” Exhibition venue: Kostiumeria Gallery, Kielce Culture Centre, Plac Moniuszki 2b, Kielce.
“Jewellery of the World” Exhibition from the collection of the Tony Halik Explorers’ Museum in Toruń.Over 80,000 years ago in a Moroccan Pigeon Cave one of representatives of Homo species made the first necklace in the history of the world by putting shells found in the nearby sea on a string of bark fibres. An accident or perhaps a desire for beauty?In the past, jewellery defined lineage and status of a person in the society and was an indicator of wealth, luxury.Nowadays, jewellery is an integral part of almost every outfit, giving it a new lustre.In the “Jewellery of the World” exhibition we will return to the roots of the essence of jewellery. We will be able to see evidence of diverse cultures and boundless imagination of people for whom the ornaments performed both a decorative and ritual function, protecting against blows of fate and ensuring luck in love, harvests, hunts. The exhibits include among others: original necklaces with a tusk of a warthog, animal skins with beads sewn on, neck belts made of cowry shells, labial discs and many other.During the exhibition a meeting will be held with Elżbieta Dzikowska – a traveller, an art historian, sinologist and curator by education, who with great passion for years has been collecting ornaments which are at the same time souvenirs from numerous travels.