

Mirosława Truchta-Nowicka,  born in 1966, a graduate of the Teachers Training School in Częstochowa (currently The Jan Długosz Academy), the Faculty of Fine Arts, got her degree in Fine Art Design under the supervision of Prof. Jerzy F. Sztuka and Prof. Werner Lubos in 1994.
For over 10 years, she has been preocuppied doing paper-made dolls/sculptures, she creates both spatial and flat compositions and objects. She is a member of the International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists) and the Polish Art Doll Group.
The 1990’s were for her a significant time – she worked at The Pinocchio Doll and Actor Theatre in Łódź, where she discovered the doll as a medium. Proportions of her artistic activities changed. It is the beginnig of a period of searching to release the doll from any social and cultural constraints to make the doll an autonomous object of an artistic expression.
Another important stage was a time of searching for a proper material, which, as it turned out, was always at hand, as something obvious and used for… almost everything. And, having created dolls/sculptures of natural materials, including paper, she started making her first dolls/sculptures of paper only, that is the material that suited her pursuits best.
In 2006, she creates the first collection of paper figures related to literature, presented at the 5th Book Days in Częstochowa in 2007. Over a couple of years, figures having various backgrounds are created.
In 2008, the first collection of dolls/sculptures inspired by the Japanese culture is made. In total, a few of them are made and exhibited at art galleries in Łódź, Sopot, Nieznanice, Warsaw, Radom and Szamotuły, in addition to some other places, and eventually she takes part in an exhibition at the Japanese Embassy in Warsaw, Poland on the turn of 2016.
Since 2009, her paper dolls/sculptures have been shown in a number of group and individual exhibitions as wall as being presented at festivals, including the Paper and Print Festival, the VIVA FLAMENCO International Festival, the 3rd CARNAVALIA International  Customs and Traditions Festival, the Japanese Days, Animotions, the 27th Inernational Doll Art Festival in Bielsko-Biała. Exhibitions at the Museum of Częstochowa are very special in her artistic creation –  Roadside metaphors – from the word on paper to a paper metaphor, an exhibition referring to Czesław Miłosz’s life and creativity (2011), In itself – The Art of Paper,  an exhibition expanded to include   flat forms and objects (2016/17), contest exhibition MUZA 2016 – MAGDALENA ABAKANOWICZ and exhibitions held by IAPMA Association, including PULP AND FICTION (2015) or Inspired by Paper and Luminous Within and others in 2016.
In 2011, her individual exhibitions at the Harlequin Theatre in Łódź entitled The Perverse Troupe of Johnny the Bogeyman was moved to the Papermaker House and the Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź and has been presented on a permanent basis ever since.
She pursuits projects in which a paper doll/sculpture is a dominating element, to include Word-doll-image, The Paper Theatre, A Doll and a book.
Besides her creative work, she is engaged in social and training activities as a leader of workshops (Book Days, Touch the Theatre Festival, Fairy Tale Festival) and is a co-initiator of The Unobvious Theatre project, which was started in Częstochowa in October 2015.
Paper-made, anthropomorphic shapes have become an ideal way of describing the world of humans for me: a doll – homunculus is s symbol of spirituality that lies deeply hidden in a human, and the paper, documenting the life of humans since it was invented, although it is a symbol of perishability and temporariness, accumulates the mystery of anthropomorphic shapes, revives and directs them  into a very transitory space. It suits me well that the two media contain so many contradictions and a great potential. The very creative process takes a form of some kind of philosophy, creating a strong relation between a creator and a “creation” being created in the sphere of ideas and material creation. In my works, I use brown, wrapping and white paper, wastepaper and paper I make myself.

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